Employee Information Management, Employee Engagement Surveys, Training & Learning Management System, Performance Management and more.
Streamline Onboarding and Employee Document Management with E-Signatures, Efficiency, Time Savings, Onboarding Accuracy and Compliance Documents, Policies and Agreements, Remote Electronic Onboarding, Security, Document Tracking.
Mobile Recruiting, Collaborative Hiring, Application Tracking System (ATS or a CRM for Applicants), Interview Scheduling, Onboarding Tasks, Full Company Career Website & more.
Attendance, Scheduling, Vacation and Paid Time Off (PTO), Leave and Absence Management, Employee Wellbeing: The Path to Engagement and Change, Incident Reporting, Tracking and Resolution.
Compliance, Incident Reporting, Tracking, and Resolution, Document Storage and Retrieval combined with a digital platform where employees can: Access Compliance Training Material: Course modules, videos, quizzes, and interactive content. Track Progress: Automated tracking of completed Compliance courses and certifications. Ensure Standardization: Provide consistent training across locations or teams. Compliance Documentation: Generate records to prove that employees have completed mandatory training, often required during audits.
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